Bathroom Deep Clean

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Product Details

Bathroom Deep Clean

  • 1 Bathroom Property - 1 Hour - €60
  • 2 Bathroom Property - 2 Hour - €110
  • 3 Bathroom Property - 3 Hour - €160
Bathrooms / Showers / Toilets
Cleaning Checklist
☐ The tiled wall to be washed and dried
☐ The glass door/separator to be cleaned
☐ All edges to be cleaned to remove sludge
☐ Skirting boards cleaned
☐ Door cleaned
☐ Window, window sills
☐ Floors washed and dried
☐ Bathtub cleaned
☐ Sink cleaned
☐ Light cleaned
☐ Electrical plugs cleaned
☐ Urinary, pedestal cleaned
☐ Cobwebs removed
☐ Door knobs cleaned
☐ Mirrors cleaned
☐ Pictures on the wall

☐ Heaters/ radiators cleaned

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